Blanket Yoga Classes
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What is Blanket Yoga?
Blanket Yoga (from the tradition of Svaroopa® Yoga) is not an athletic yoga, but rather a gentle, passive, restorative practice that has the power to enhance your life in every way. It may sound too good to be true, but through this practice many have discovered an easy way to increase strength and mobility, move through the day without frustration, strain or pain. We have seen incredible progress in our students. Some practice once a week while others practice every day. The options are here for you to begin your healing journey.
Beginner's Basics
This style of yoga is gentle, restorative, and supportive of all body types, abilities and mobility. A non-athletic class that will make you feel like you just had a massage. The bliss is life changing. (virtual and in-person, 60 minutes, Blanket Yoga/Svaroopa Yoga)

Rest & Restore
The Rest & Restore class will help wind you down and prepare you for a deep, relaxing evening and sleep. Let go of the weekend, prepare for the week by taking care of your self, your body, and your soul. A deep bliss class, this one will quickly become a weekly favorite. Reserved for existing students who have a solid understanding of this style of yoga, proper alignments, and personal adjustments. (virtual, 90 minutes, Blanket Yoga/Svaroopa Yoga)

Rise & Revive
Wake up to a refreshing, active pose class to get your day energized and started out right. A shorter class, we will do an abbreviated savasana with ujjayi breathing followed by active poses to get the blood flowing. Reserved for existing students who have a solid understanding of this style of yoga, proper alignments, and personal adjustments. (virtual and in-person, 60 minutes, Blanket Yoga/Svaroopa Yoga).

Gain & Maintain
Gain & Maintain is a mixed levels class that allows you to go deeper into familiar poses to practice alignments, angles, and poses to find deeper release. Reserved for existing students who have a solid understanding of this style of yoga, proper alignments, and personal adjustments. (virtual and in-person, 90 minutes, Blanket Yoga/Svaroopa Yoga)

Master Mechanics with Kris Montigny
The Master Mechanics classes are for experienced yoga students who have a home practice and have studied with Kris in the past. New students must meet with Kris prior to attending to ensure the class is a good fit. We hold poses for longer periods of time, add more advanced variations to the poses, and explore the deeper aspects of the angles, applying new awarenesses to normal movements in daily life. The Master Mechanics classes focus on getting the most out of your practice, taking your yoga home and into everyday life. (virtual and in-person, 2+ hours, Blanket Yoga/Svaroopa Yoga)
Schedule a Class or Two
What would you be if you could be anything? Isn’t it time to say ‘yes’ to the best version of you yet to be? Happy. Whole. Complete. Yes!