WORKSHOP | Yoga Nidra for Deep Rest with Jay

Start Date: January 20, 2024 @ 12:00 PM
Pricing: $20

Winter is the season of hibernation. Rather than fighting nature, ease into its comfort by allowing your body, mind, and spirit the rest and relaxation you’ve been craving, with the practice of yoga nidra! Nidra means “sleep” in Sanskrit, and yoga nidra is often described as deep, non-sleep rest. You will be guided to create your own spot for resting, using anything you want to bring (blanket, pillow) and the props in our studio. You’ll then experience calming breathwork to prepare your nervous system, set an intention or sankalpa for peace, and then relax your body part by part. This practice awakens the third eye chakra and allows you to release tension and honor the flow of life as it is. After a long period of deep rest, you’ll be brought back to present awareness slowly and with the intention of allowing that peace to flow off your mat and into the rest of your life.
