WORKSHOP | Reincarnation & Past Life Regression Meditation with Megan

Start Date: June 14, 2024 @ 06:00 PM
Pricing: $35

This is a rare opportunity to dive deep into yoga philosophy’s teachings on the afterlife, reincarnation, and the soul’s journey and purpose. Anchored in ancient Sanskrit texts, we’ll spend the first hour exploring concepts of dharma (the soul’s path), karma (lessons to be learned through lifetimes), and samsara (the cycle of life, death, and rebirth). Megan will also share stories from people who have proven evidence of their past lives, as well as from the hundreds of meditation students she’s led in past life regression meditations. The second hour will be a guided past-life regression meditation, where you’ll be invited into a comfortable resting position and led on a journey into a past life memory that holds meaning for your current life experiences. We’ll also have time to integrate and share our experiences after the meditation.

Megan spent 7 years living and studying Hindu philosophy in Bali, Indonesia, a culture where past lives and reincarnation are accepted as fact, and past life memories are often traced and confirmed. With the blessing of her Balinese teachers, she began teaching about the philosophy of reincarnation and leading past life regression meditation for her yoga teacher training students in Bali six years ago, and now at the Niantic Yoga Studio as well.
