Within the traditions of Ayurveda, the timeless Indian system of well-being, the junction between seasons is the best time to rejuvenate the body and prepare for the changes ahead. As we move from the dry and cold season of Winter into the lush wet earthiness of Spring, we want to enter with a refreshed energy, leaving behind any stagnation in our mind, body, and spirit. Join Vicky as we go through self-care rituals, recipes, and yogic practices to bloom into Spring. You’ll leave with tools to support your well-being, such as herbal teas, printed recipes to follow, and movements to support this transition.
About Your Host:
Vicky Cooley is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Registered Yoga Teacher, and Certified Massage Therapist, drawn to the crossover between western and eastern science. Vicky considers herself a forever student of yoga and Ayurveda, with a specific passion for anatomy, both physical and energetic. She was first introduced to yoga at a young age, having a fond memory of attending a yoga class and thinking to herself how fun it was to see adults engage freely in what seemed like play. The practices of yoga and Ayurveda have become a necessary and beloved part of her life.