First Friday Community Class: Yoga & Physical Therapy 12/2/22

Start Date: December 2, 2022 @ 06:00 PM
Pricing: Free

Whether you are a physical therapist looking for auxiliary programs for your patients, or you’re post-PT and looking for what’s next, this community class has been designed just for you. Join Kendra to learn how a safe, gentle, restorative style of yoga can benefit your recovery. From arthritis to athletes and students to retirees, Blanket Yoga has something to offer everyone.

Top three take aways for this class:

  1. Experience how a gentle yoga practice can improve your ability to recover while maintaining the range of motion and strength achieved during PT
  2. Understand that a gentle yoga practice helps to relieve post injury/illness stress, which improves your overall well being
  3. Gain enhanced insight into your body by learning to be present and aware of your body, which can automatically decrease the risk of re-injury

Save the date and plan on joining us for this workshop. We will start with a short presentation, followed by a series of yoga poses to realign your spine, followed by Q+A time after class. Dress in loose comfortable clothing, everything else will be provided for you including yoga mats, props and blankets.

Check out our Facebook feed starting on Monday the 28th for more information leading up to the workshop.

Space is limited, so grab a friend or colleague and make sure you register early. Registration is required.

Each community class raises money for a local charity that is meaningful to the teacher presenting the class. For this class, we invite you to bring cash or check donations to support the work of Care and Share of East Lyme during the holiday season.

Meet Kendra Price:

Kendra graduated from Northeastern University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. She has worked in all areas of rehabilitation since that time, the experience of which has provided Kendra with a strong understanding of the human body and the process of healing.

After years of marathon and triathlon training Kendra came to Svaroopa® Yoga in the hopes of gaining flexibility, improved performance and for pain relief which she was unable to attain with any other therapeutic modalities. With a daily home practice and weekly classes, Kendra accomplished her goals of living in a more flexible and pain free body.

This new-found freedom allowed Kendra to cultivate a sense of peace, comfort and compassion toward herself and others. This shift in her state of mind transcended all areas of her life.

After experiencing these life-altering changes, Kendra decided to begin her yoga teacher training. Kendra is dedicated to assisting her students in gaining a new awareness of their bodies and their minds through this gentle, compassionate, and supportive style of yoga. Kendra is a certified Yoga Therapist and Embodiment® Therapist and a former owner of the Niantic Yoga Center.

My yoga training and daily practice have lead me to a deeper understanding of my True Self and purpose in life.