WORKSHOP | The Whispers of Spirit with Mountain Flower

Start Date: October 13, 2024 @ 03:30 PM
Pricing: $50

Serving the spiritual community since 1999, Mountain Flower’s mission is to help people heal all sense of disconnection so they can live in alignment with their body, spirit, Earth Mother, and the Divine.

Mountain Flower has lived this workshop theme intensely over the last 25 years and is thankful for every risk she took to put herself out there. Learn from her experience how to transform resistance into inspiration and step into your heart’s calling. Your communities are waiting for you!

Feel the presence of your ancestors while they join the ceremony, holding a unique sacred space where prayers get heard and transformation is accelerated.

What to expect:

  • Feel excited about taking your next step
  • Presence of your spiritual guides
  • Hands-on healing to move resistance energy

People who’ve worked with Mountain Flower call her ceremonies:

  • “Extremely innovative”
  • “Deep energy work”
  • “Life-changing”
  • “Freeing” 

***Please arrive 15 minutes EARLY: doors close 5 minutes before the ceremony begins. Mountain Flower goes to great lengths to create and hold a sacred space for you to have the highest vibrational experience possible. The studio is smudged before setting up, all our equipment is smudged before each use, and everyone is smudged before sitting in ceremonial space. Please be respectful of the process and arrive early.***

Please wear comfortable clothing and a bottle of water.