Teaching Breathwork And Meditation | A Workshop for Yoga Teachers

Start Date: May 6, 2023 @ 01:00 PM
Pricing: $65

This workshop counts for 4 hours of Yoga Alliance continuing education for registered yoga teachers! We’ll explore the clear system of teaching pranayama and meditation as outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by applying that system to various tantric pranayama and meditation techniques. This workshop is all about practical application of the eight limbs of raja yoga, so that you can begin teaching dedicated breathwork and meditation classes immediately. We’ll explore 4 different pranayama techniques and 4 different meditations, how to teach them in a way that’s effective and inspiring, and how to incorporate them into your offerings.

Megan Mulrine has been leading yoga teacher trainings in Bali for the last 7 years, and has now brought her yoga school to Niantic. If you’re a yoga teacher and would like to deepen your knowledge and offerings, keep an eye on our studio schedule for upcoming continuing education opportunities!